8.1.3. Company & System Settings Company Settings System Settings
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The Company Settings tab contains additional settings to allow you to control your site environment.

The image below does not include the Tax Rules setup, Tax Rules setup is covered in detail below this image.

Company Settings Tab

image SysConfigCoSettingsTab.JPG

Company Settings Tab Fields Description
A seed number to precede proposal numbers If you want an identifier to precede your proposal numbers enter that identifier here. This field may contain letters and or numbers. If this field is populated, the data contained here will precede every proposal number that you generate. This field does not change for each proposal. This field is typically used to denote the 4 digit year (for example, 2010)that your proposals are created in. This field must be edited to change its value, the system does not update this value for you. This field is optional.
Next proposal number to use Enter the number that you want to use as your starting proposal number. This field must be numeric. Each time a proposal is created the system will increment this number by one and store the value for the next proposal number here.
A seed number to precede PO numbers If you want an identifier to precede your purchase order numbers enter that identifier here. This field may contain letters and or numbers. If this field is populated, the data contained here will precede every purchase order number that you generate. This field does not change for each purchase order. This field is typically used to denote the 4 digit year (for example, 2010)that your purchase orders are created in. This field must be edited to change its value, the system does not update this value for you. This field is optional.
Next PO number to use Enter the number that you want to use as your starting purchase order number. This field must be numeric. Each time a purchase order is created the system will increment this number by one and store the value for the next purchase order number here.
A seed number to precede work order numbers See above for seed numbers information.
Next Work Order number to use See above for document numbers information.
A seed number to precede invoice numbers See above for seed numbers information.
Next invoice number to use See above for document numbers information.
Default Customer Payment Terms This setting controls the terms of your due date on customer invoices. A value set here will also be the default value in the Customer Payment Terms input field on the Payment Info tab when new customers are created. Of course, you can change this value in System Configuration or in the Customer database at any time.
Minimum GP margin flag The control allows you to set a company wide minimum GP margin on proposals. The proposal finalization process checks the proposal GP against the value set here. If the proposal GP is below the value set here, a warning message will be presented in the proposal finalization window alerting the user that the proposal falls below the company standard GP margin. This does not prevent finalization from completing. The user has the opportunity to correct the proposal or continue with the finalization process.
Require Authorization? For future development. When functional, if this flag is set and a proposal falls below the company standard GP margin during the finalization process, the user will be required to obtain authorization before being able to continue with finalization. Of course, if the proposal meets or exceeds the standard GOP margin, authorization is not required.
Apply a company wide overhead factor? The company overhead factor allows you to reserve a percentage of the cost or sell amount on proposals. This percentage amount is removed from the total profit on the proposal before commission is calculated.
Rate Enter the percentage to be retained for the overhead factor.
Default deposit requirement for new customers This setting controls the default customer deposit amount requirement. A value set here will be the default value in the Required Deposit Percentage input field on the Payment Info tab when new customers are created. Of course, you can change this value in System Configuration or in the Customer database at any time. If set, a message will appear at the bottom of all proposals to customers requesting the customer deposit in percentage form and in dollar amount. The deposit requirement is also a proposal print option and can be excluded from proposals if desired by not selecting the Deposit Requirement print option. If set and if a deposit has not been received from the customer, a warning message will appear in the Purchase Order window that the customer deposit has not been received. This does not prevent purchase orders from being generated, it is simply a warning that a customer deposit has not been received and that a customer deposit is required from this customer.
If a customer's A/R is over For future development. This control will allow you to prevent proposal finalization for customers with outstanding accounts receivables per the criteria set here. You can enter a dollar or percentage amount as well as a number of days outstanding. This criteria will be checked during finalization and if the customer's outstanding balance is higher than the amount or percentage set here and more than the number of days past due setting, the proposal will not be allowed to complete finalization and a warning message will be displayed during finalization alerting the user that the customer's A/R is past due.
Enable multiple currencies? You can enable the use of multiple currencies with this control. When the Enable Multiple Currencies check box is checked, the Open Currency Table link will be available. Use this link to define the currencies you will use in your system. See below for details.
Account to be used when applying finance charges Use the drop down selection arrow to select the account that is to be used for your finance charges. This GL account will hold the transactions related to finance charges that you may apply to customer invoices.
If a customer falls short of the required deposit, what percent threshold would prevent PO's from being cut? This control allows you to set a threshold percentage on the customer's deposit amount paid. If you require a customer deposit and a deposit has been paid but the amount paid does not equal the deposit required percentage, this setting will allow you to avoid the customer deposit required warning message when generating purchase orders.
Footer message to be printed on all proposals Enter the text here that you want to appear in the footer area of all your proposals.
Vendor to be assigned to internal resources Enter your dealership's vendor entry from the vendor database. A purchase order will be generated for internal resources used on Work Orders. The value entered here will be the default in the Resources tab in the User database when defining internal resources.
Your company name Enter your company name here.
Your company address Enter your company address here.
Your company zip code Enter your company zip/postal code here.
Your company country Enter your company's home country here.
Your company's federal identification number If applicable, enter your Federal Tax Id number here. This number will be included on any 1099 forms that you generate.
Your company remit to addresses If applicable, enter any alternate remittance addresses you may have. YOu can enter multiple remit to addresses and you can select which remit to address is to be included on your customer invoices.
Your company phone number Enter your company phone number here.
Your company fax number Enter your company fax number here.
Your company web site Enter your company web site address here.
Overrides & Authorizations may be made by the following groups For future development. The groups selected here are the groups responsible for any action that requires authorization. For example, the Minimum GP Margin control has a Require Authorization check box. When this feature is active and if the Require Authorization flag is set on the Minimum GP margin control, users will not be able to finalize a proposal that does not meet the minimum GP margin set in System Configuration without getting authorization. When authorization is requested, the member(s) of the selected Overrides & Authorizations groups will receive a message in their DealerChoice Messages inbox alerting them that a user has requested an override or authorization. There will be a process in which the authorizing member(s) can grant or deny the request.

US Tax Rules Setup

At the bottom of the Company Settings window is where the tax rules are defined.

image SysConfigCoSettingsTax.JPG

To create a tax rule, click on the [new tax rule] link to open the Create a New Tax Rule window.

image SysConfigCoSettingsTaxRule.JPG

Enter the appropriate information for the tax entity and save your rule.

Create a New Tax Rule Fields Description
State * Select the state for which the tax rule is being created.
Active? By default the new tax rule will be active, if you do not want this tax rule to be applied, uncheck the Active check box and the tax rule cannot be applied to proposals or invoices.
Local If you are creating a County, City or Municipality tax rule, enter the name of the County, City or Municipality here. This will identify the tax collections by this name in your Sales Tax Liability report.
Rate Enter the percentage to be collected for this rule.
County/City Maximum Tax: If creating a County, City or Municipality tax rule and if the County or City has a maximum taxable amount, enter the taxable maximum dollar amount here. When this tax rule is applied to proposals or invoices and if there is a taxable maximum dollar amount here, then sales tax will only be calculated on the taxable product sell amount up to this value.
Sales Tax Payable Account Select the appropriate liability account that will be updated with the tax transactions for this tax rule.
Taxable Products & Services Select which products and services are taxable for this tax location.
Inherit product rules from state? This check box will allow you (if checked) to apply the same product rules defined for the State tax rule to be applied to this County, City or Municipality tax rule. After applying the State tax rules, this tax rule can be editing to make any changes if necessary.
Save Tax Rule button Click this button to save your tax rule.

Enter a tax rule for each taxable location that you are required to collect tax for. The Sales Tax Liability report will display the tax collected for each tax entity you define.

Canadian Tax Rules Setup

image SysConfigCoSettingsTaxCAD.JPG

To define tax rule for a Province, place your mouse over the tax type in the appropriate column (GST, HST, PST, QST for that Province and click. This will open the Edit Tax Rule window as shown below.

image SysConfigCoSettingsTaxCADEdit.JPG

Canadian Tax Rule Edit Description
Rate Enter the percentage rate for the tax to be calculated for the tax type in this Province.
Account Select the appropriate liability account that will be updated with the tax transactions for this tax rule.
Active By default the new tax rule will be active, if you do not want this tax rule to be applied, uncheck the Active check box and the tax rule cannot be applied to proposals or invoices.
Save button Click on the Save button to save your tax rule.

Enable Multiple Currencies

You can enable the use of multiple currencies for your site by checking the Enable Multiple Currencies check box. When multiple currencies are enabled, you will see the Open Currency Table link that allow you to define the currencies to be used and to enter the exchange rate. The View & Edit Currency Exchange Tables window will open when you click on the Open Currency Table link as shown below.

image SysConfigCurrExchangeTable.JPG

This example shows two currencies defined, the Canada dollar and the Untied States dollar.

To define a currency, click on the [add a new currency] to open the Add Currency window as shown below.

image SysConfigAddCurrency.JPG

Add Currency Fields Description
Currency Name Enter the country that the currency is from.
Active By default, new currencies are active, if you do not wish to use this currency, uncheck this box.
Country Select the Country that this currency is from from the drop down selection box.
Currency Code Enter the world currency code for this currency. Please contact support if you need assistance.
Currency Symbol Enter the 3 letter code used internationally to distinguish one currency from another, such as "USD" for the United States dollar and "GBP" for the United Kingdom Pound. The Symbol entered here will be displayed anywhere this currency is used in DealerChoice.
Printed Name Enter the name of the currency such as "Dollars" or "Pounds" or "Euro"
Exchange Rate Enter the exchange rate percentage compared to your home currency. If this is your home currency the exchange rate is always 1. The exchange rate must be updated manually. You can update the exchange rate as often as you like. Any transactions that take place in a currency other than your home currency store the exchange rate at the time of document creation. When changes are made to the exchange rate and transactions are affected, adjustments will be stored in the Gain/Loss account that has been selected in System Configuration.

After adding currencies, they will be listed in the View & Edit Currency Exchange Table window as shown above. To edit an entry in this list, simply, click on the currency in the list. Company Settings
8.1.3. Company & System Settings
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